So, not much of an update...
The kiddos have been sick on and off since Thanksgiving. Which means Max has missed a ton of school and therapy. When he doesn't go to school or have therapy, I don't use the oils, because I'm not needing him to focus ;) Although, I should still use them since I'm seeing other benefits! But let's keep it real - when I'm not feeling great and I'm taking care of sick kids, this one regime gets left in the dust ;)
However, I will add, I was amazed at his level of participation in family get-togethers this holiday season. In past years, he runs and hides in his room to get away from my brothers who have very loud voices. Although he kept his distance, he still came in and out of the room we were in.
And at our Christmas Eve dinner, he wanted to be sitting at the table with all the cousins! He has never done that before. In fact we were a place setting short, because we didn't even think he would attempt sitting at the table. He really is generally improving.
So, back at it next week. Christmas break is almost over and school will be back in session soon!
The advice shared in this site has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. As you offer or look for answers, kindly understand that essential oils work to help to bring the body into balance - thus helping the body's natural defenses to restore homeostasis. Essential oils are not used to "treat" medical problems.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Pure Oil Test
So I came across this old post on the EO blog Camp Wander.
I thought it was great! So I decided to do the test on the oils I had sitting next to my computer this evening.
These are the oils I used -
doTerra DigestZen {I didn't have a single DT oil, but made sure not to use one that contained frankincense or vetiver (resin oils) - hopefully the other oils in this blend aren't resin oils either}
The DT website list these Ingredients for DigestZen as:
Ginger Rhizome/Root, Peppermint Plant,
Caraway Seed, Coriander Seed, Anise Seed,
Tarragon Plant, and Fennel Seed essential oils.
The DT website list these Ingredients for DigestZen as:
Ginger Rhizome/Root, Peppermint Plant,
Caraway Seed, Coriander Seed, Anise Seed,
Tarragon Plant, and Fennel Seed essential oils.
Aura Cacia Geranium
Améo Myrtle
and just for fun, fractionated coconut oil (Améo brand)
I took some notebook paper and put a drop or two of oil on the paper, then tipped the paper up vertically to let the oil drip down. I layed the papers on a plastic bag to ensure no oils would soak into the chair they were sitting on.
Here are my results:
Monday, November 3, 2014
Forget Kale. Try These Three REAL Superfoods
Forget Kale. Try These Three REAL Superfoods
They can purify water, feed a family of four for 50 years, and help combat climate change — and you've probably never heard of them
Don’t get me wrong. I’m a fan of kale.
But kale is absolutely, positively not a superfood.
A superfood is high in protein, low in fat, gluten-free, loaded with omega-3s, bursting with antioxidants and overflowing with folate, fiber and phytonutrients. But the vast majority of what gets called a superfood these days should be called “health food.” Yes, health food is a perfectly suitable descriptor for goji berries, pomegranates and chia seeds.
To get an idea of a true superfood, look at quinoa. The Andean grain is more than just a high protein, low-fat, gluten-free alternative to rice or pasta. Quinoa is not only one of the only plants in the world that provides a complete source of protein. It is also an extraordinarily resilient plant. You can grow it at just about any altitude, from sea-level up to 13,000 feet. It can withstand a wide range of temperatures, and needs very little water to survive. There’s a reason why the United Nations General Assembly declared 2013“The International Year of Quinoa” and not “The International Year of the Goji Berry.”A superfood is high in protein, low in fat, gluten-free, loaded with omega-3s, bursting with antioxidants and overflowing with folate, fiber and phytonutrients. But the vast majority of what gets called a superfood these days should be called “health food.” Yes, health food is a perfectly suitable descriptor for goji berries, pomegranates and chia seeds.
Kelp is another example of a true superfood. It’s not merely high in protein, low in fat and loaded with heart-healthy antioxidants. It grows at turbo speed (9 to 12 feet in three months) without the need for fresh water or fertilizer. Kelp could provide the world with a vast new source of sustainable protein — and potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (Kelp forests are carbon sinks.)
Real superfoods possess super-traits — like the ability to grow astronomically fast in some of the world’s harshest climates. Or the ability to make dirty water safe for drinking. Or the ability to feed a family of four for 50 years. Here are three superfoods, largely unknown in the United States now, that will quite possibly become the next quinoa.
The Moringa Tree
It’s often called the “the miracle tree” or the “tree of life.” In the Philippines, they call it a “mother’s best friend.” In Senegal, it’s the “never die tree.”
Virtually every part of the moringa tree (Moringa oleifera) — pods that taste like string beans, leaves redolent of spinach, seeds reminiscent of peanuts, roots that taste like horseradish — is edible and packed with nutrients. A small serving of the humble-looking moringa’s tiny leaves has seven times the amount of vitamin C of an orange, four times the calcium of milk, and four times the beta-carotene of carrots, according to nutrition researcher C. Gopalan’sNutritive Value of Indian Foods. Not surprisingly, the tree, which is native to north India, is developing a cult following among natural foods enthusiasts.
But the slender, scrawny looking tree has got far more than nutrition going for it. The moringa might be the fastest growing valuable plant in the world — it grows up to 15 feet, from seed, in its first year.Because it’s drought-resistant, the moringa can grow freakishly fast in precisely the hot, dry subtropical areas where malnutrition is most prevalent, and where other crops wither (hence “the never die” nickname).
The moringa is also a promising biofuel and medicinal source. For hundreds of years, people have been using the moringa for everything from cooking oil and cosmetics to animal feed and cleaning agent. But undoubtedly the most amazing quality of the moringa is that it can purify water. Just drop some crushed moringa seeds in a bucket of dirty, unsafe water, and within about an hour, that water will be safe to drink. Scientists say it’s because the moringa seeds produce chemicals that cause dirt and bacteria and other pollutants to settle. The moringa seed could provide a simple yet valuable tool in poor communities where diarrhea caused by water-borne bacteria is one of the biggest sources of childhood fatalities, according to a paper in Current Protocols in Microbiology.
Want some superb Moringa??? Try Zija's Core Nutritional products! The SuperMix is a must!
The Breadfruit
The breadfruit looks like a green soccer ball with pimples. And it tastes like sourdough bread. The first time I tried it, I thought “blah.”
But there’s a vigorous effort underway to get people to love this ugly, tasteless fruit; some believe the breadfruit could save millions of people annually from starvation.
Native to tropical regions in the South Pacific, the breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis), known as Ulu in Hawaiian, is a nutritional powerhouse — one cup of breadfruit has more potassium than three bananas, according to the USDA, and it’s loaded with fiber, calcium, phosphorous, copper and other essential nutrients. Some cultivars also have high levels of beta-carotene, which makes it a promising weapon against vitamin A deficiency, the leading cause of blindness in children.
The breadfruit is a remarkably low-maintenance yet extraordinarily productive tree. A mature tree yields 450 pounds of fruit per season, according to Josh Schneider, a horticulturalist at Global Breadfruit, an organization that promotes the use of the breadfruit tree. Schneider estimated in an interview that one breadfruit tree could feed a family of four for more than 50 years.
A growing group of NGOs, like Global Breadfruit and the Trees That Feed Foundation, are now dedicated to spreading the use of the trees, and it’s not just because breadfruit is one of Earth’s highest yielding food crops. Studies show that more than 80% of the world’s poor and hungry live in subtropical regions — perfect for breadfruit trees. And recent breeding improvements are accelerating the speed of a tree’s growth. Now, you can produce fruit in 2 to 3 years,Schneider said
One breadfruit evangelist, Hawaiian horticulturalist Diane Ragone, like me, didn’t care for the breadfruit on her first taste (she likened it to “undercooked potatoes”), but now thinks the fruit’s underwhelming taste is easily surmountable. Ragone’s advice: sauté them. “Think of sautéed breadfruit as a platform for any kind of cuisine or flavor,” Ragone told the Wall Street Journal. Others talk about the breadfruit’s potential as a food ingredient and as analternative to flour. Imagine a bagel that could prevent millions of children from going blind.
The Prickly Pear Cactus
The prickly pear cactus, what botantists call opuntia ficus-indica has lots of healthy qualities — high in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, low in fat — and it all comes from some of the driest and worst land on the planet.
Some beleaguered farmers in arid places like California’s drought-stricken San Joaquin Valley are starting to see the light. Instead of fighting water shortages and desertification, they’re adapting. Onearticle about a maverick cactus farmer likened it to making lemonade out of lemons. And climate forecasts suggest that more farmers around the world will be drawn to a crop that can not only flourish with little or no irrigation, but can also tolerate poor soil.
The food-of-the-future cacti is not the puny cacti you’ve seen driving through Arizona. Scientists in water-starved places like Israel, California and Texas have worked for years to create food-friendly varieties, which are much bigger and have no needles. Smooth skinned and frost-resistant, today’s cacti were the subject of a 2013 United Nations report on industrial-scale cacti cultivation, highlighting successes in the developing world. But don’t think the cactus is just a “feed theworld” crop for an apocalyptic scenario.
Food writer Sam Brasch, who suggests that the prickly pear could be “the next kale,” describes its flesh as “landing somewhere between a watermelon and a kiwi.” The prickly pear is also promising because it can be used in so many ways — for juices, jams and jellies; some studies even suggest that it’s a hangover cure.
Each of these three superfoods has the potential to not only improve your health, but also improve the world–and you’ll inevitably see them at Whole Foods.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Tea Tree Oil for Skin Tag Removal
Tea tree oil is one of the best natural methods for skin tag removal at home. Soak a cotton ball in water and then, put at least 2-3 drops of tea tree oil on it. Now, lightly rub it over the skin tag in circular motions. Repeat this daily at least twice a day for about a week until the skin tag completely vanishes.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Max update #3
A quick update. We've been using my Max blend for a couple of weeks now. I haven't been using it on weekends or when Max isn't at school. Not even sure why not. I should - ha.
Anyway, he still has issues with bolting from me whenever he sees the opportunity and I'm going to try a new oil that I just picked up today, called Determination.
However, today he had a speech therapy appointment. We haven't had one in a few weeks. And I was actually amazed. He had a GREAT session. He sat and focused for 25 minutes before getting up from the table, grabbing the telephone, hiding under the computer desk and grabbing books of the shelf. AND, he spoke the word "happy" several times. I have never heard him say that word! And I got it on video after we got in the car!!!
And then I made the connection... in the past couple weeks he has been imitating a lot more words with his therapists, even his kindergarten teacher mentioned his being more verbal. The oils??? I hope so!!!
Monday, October 20, 2014
Chicken farm uses oregano oil instead of antibiotics
A chicken farm is using oregano in place of antibiotics.
A chicken farm is using oregano in place of antibiotics.
Sometimes the best remedies are found in nature. A chicken farm in Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania is utilizing oregano to feed chickens.
The company, Bell & Evans is home to loose oregano lying around in trays and barrels of oregano oil. For approximately three years, the chickens have been fed a diet laced with oregano oil along with a little bit of cinnamon.
Bell & Evans opt for the herbal remedy to fight off bacterial diseases without using antibiotics, as they are said to be harmful to humans who consume the meat. The owner of the company, Scott Sechler pledges to avoid antibiotics.
He speaks of the oregano approach, stating “I have worried a bit about how I’m going to sound talking about this. But I really do think we’re on to something here.”
Quality farming is not one-dimensional
Sechler acknowledges there’s more to his success than just the substitution of oregano oil for antibiotics. He also emphasizes the importance of solid nutritional standards for the animals, as well as a clean housing operation with plenty of ventilation and light. “You can’t just replace antibiotics with oregano oil and expect it to work,” Sechler said. At Bell & Evans, after chickens are harvested and sent to slaughter, workers hose down the barn, clean out the water lines, disinfect everything and then keep the space empty for two to three weeks to allow harmful bacteria and micro-organisms to die off, while also ridding the premises of any disease-transmitting rodents.
As word spreads of Sechler’s success, other farms are beginning to follow the Bell & Evans example. Bob Ruth, president of Pennsylvania-based Country View Family Farms, began testing a By-O-Reg laced feed on 5,000 of his own pigs for the last six months or so. Preliminary results so far, he said, are encouraging.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Max Update 2
Sooo, I went to Max's parent teacher conference today. His teacher mentioned that in the past week or so she has really noticed that he is attending much more. She again mentioned that he will go to the white board and then go sit back down. I commented that he must be getting used to the routine... but on my way home I thought.... oh, maybe it's the oils! hmmmm... Even if that is the case, which would be great, the real issue I'm hoping to address is the eloping... soooo... yeah... hmmm.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Max Update 1
OK, so I've been meaning to post an update as to how the essential oils are working for Max...
I started by applying Vetiver on his chest and back of neck (mostly because I forgot to put it on the bottom of his feet before I got his socks and shoes on). Monday - he didn't go to school because he had speech therapy and ABA therapy that day. His ST commented that he was more verbal than usual. But he totally lacked any focus whatsoever in that session and was bouncing off the walls ......
So Tuesday, again just the Vetiver on his chest and back of the neck. He sat really calmly at breakfast (at school). I really noticed a difference... and then he bolted - ha...
Wednesday, didn't notice much of a difference.
Thursday, I couldn't find the bottle of Vetiver. Grr.
Still missing on Friday....
Found it finally on Sunday! Yay.
So, started over with the new week. Monday, applied the Vetiver along with a little Lavender, again to the chest and back. School didn't mention anything, but his ABA therapist mentioned how well he did in his afternoon session.
Tuesday, again with the Vetiver and Lavender on his feet (yay, I remembered before I put on his socks!) and chest. He did ok at breakfast not trying to bolt, but did want to move his tray around - kept sliding it down the table until he was sitting at the end spot. When I picked him up, his teacher said she was amazed at his compliance today! He did very well at taking turns, AND went and sat in his seat between turns 3 times in a row without prompting. This is huge for him. Oils or coincidence? Not sure yet.
I am going to add Ylang Ylang starting next Monday to see if we get more of a difference then. Stay tuned
I started by applying Vetiver on his chest and back of neck (mostly because I forgot to put it on the bottom of his feet before I got his socks and shoes on). Monday - he didn't go to school because he had speech therapy and ABA therapy that day. His ST commented that he was more verbal than usual. But he totally lacked any focus whatsoever in that session and was bouncing off the walls ......
So Tuesday, again just the Vetiver on his chest and back of the neck. He sat really calmly at breakfast (at school). I really noticed a difference... and then he bolted - ha...
Wednesday, didn't notice much of a difference.
Thursday, I couldn't find the bottle of Vetiver. Grr.
Still missing on Friday....
Found it finally on Sunday! Yay.
So, started over with the new week. Monday, applied the Vetiver along with a little Lavender, again to the chest and back. School didn't mention anything, but his ABA therapist mentioned how well he did in his afternoon session.
Tuesday, again with the Vetiver and Lavender on his feet (yay, I remembered before I put on his socks!) and chest. He did ok at breakfast not trying to bolt, but did want to move his tray around - kept sliding it down the table until he was sitting at the end spot. When I picked him up, his teacher said she was amazed at his compliance today! He did very well at taking turns, AND went and sat in his seat between turns 3 times in a row without prompting. This is huge for him. Oils or coincidence? Not sure yet.
I am going to add Ylang Ylang starting next Monday to see if we get more of a difference then. Stay tuned
Monday, September 29, 2014
Varicose Veins - I need to try one of these!
Varicose Vein Attacking Body Butter
- 1/2 cup shea butter (organic, raw, and unrefined like this one)
- 1/4 cup coconut oil (organic and cold pressed like this one)
- 1/4 cup jojoba oil (organic, cold press, and unrefined like this one)
- 1 tablespoon vitamin E liquid ( like this one)
- 30 drops of essential oils from the above list (my favorite combo is 10 drops of cypress, 10 drops of lemon, 5 drops of fennel, and 5 drops helichrysum)
- 1Heat shea butter and coconut oil in a double boiler on medium low. Stir until the oils melt, just a few minutes.
- 2Remove from heat.
- 3Add the jojoba oil, vitamin E liquid, and essential oils.
- 4Refrigerate for about an hour or 2 until chilled. You will have an off-white, almost solid (not quite completely solid).
- 5Mix with a hand mixer for about 10 minutes until you have soft white peaks (like whip cream).
- 6Store in a glass container. These jars are perfect.
- 7Massage this towards your heart to encourage blood flow (i.e. start at your ankles and work up your legs; start at your wrists and work up towards your shoulders).
- 8Your body butter is good for about 6 months. Store at room temperature. During hot weather, the body butter may slightly melt. You can store in the fridge if this happens (or if you just like a cold body butter).
- Note: Just like with dry body brushing , I do not recommend using this body butter at night. These circulation boosting essential oils get your blood flow all worked up and is very stimulating! It can disrupt restful sleep.
Oils, blends & products recommended:
Oils & Blends: Citrus oils, CypressEC, GeraniumC, HelichrysumC, LavenderC
Essential oils based products:
Also consider: Citrus BlissC, LemonEC, LemongrassC, PeppermintC
Note: to understand the E and C superscript go to Home and scroll to New Helps.
Suggested protocols:
Under the Experiences/Testimonials tab above you will find other's experiences with varicose veins, spider veins, vulvar varicosities, and inflamed veins. Two specific protocols are given:
Varicose and Spider veins:
· 30 drops Cypress,
· 20 drops Lavender, and
· 10 drops of any of the citrus oils
· in 2 oz coconut oil
Blend applied morning and night. Improvement in about a month. At that point applied daily for another 3 or 4 months to become about 10% of what they had been.
Vulvar varicosities and inflammation of veins:
· 50 drops Helichrysum
· in 8 oz all-natural lotion base (VCO could be used)
Apply two time daily. Very positive results in six weeks. Can be combined with varicose veins protocol above.
Recipe #1
3 oz of lotion, like the doTERRA Spa Hand and Body lotion
1 oz filtered water
30 drops cypress
15 drops helichrysum
7 drops wild orange
A squeeze bottle
Add ingredients into the squeeze bottle and shake well. Apply to legs morning and night massaging ONLY towards the heart.
Recipe #2
30 drops cypress
20 drops lavender
10 drops any citrus oil
2 oz coconut oil
Mix and apply morning and night massaging towards the heart.
Recipe #3
50 drops of helichrysum
8oz all natural lotion, like the doTERRA Spa Hand and Body lotion
Mix well in the lotion tube, and apply twice a day until you see results massaging towards the heart.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
PTSD Relief with Essential Oils
“I met Gary Young seven months ago — his oils work! For the first time in 45 years, I now sleep a full eight hours and no longer experience the nightmares. So powerful!”
“Gary’s oils can help you live a normal life.”
A website will be up soon where people will be able to ask questions of Master Sgt. Jess Johnson and others as well as share their testimonials of what is helping them with PTSD. Check back here for updates. Johnson also heads up a non-profit group, Vet to Vet, which takes Christmas meals and hats and coats to veterans.
45 Years After Vietnam, Veteran Finally Finds Relief For PTSD – The Source Will Surprise You
They called it “stress response syndrome” at the time, but what has plagued the life of a Vietnam veteran for the past 45 years is what we now know as PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He is finally finding real relief for the first time from a very surprising source.
Retired Master Sergeant Jess Johnson served in the U.S. Army for 30 years as a Green Beret, followed by numerous missions even after retirement, including ten missions into Iraq.
Johnson began his long career in the U.S. military at the tender age of 18 as a medic serving on the front lines in Vietnam. He served in the 101st Airborne Division as their lead M.A.S.H. medic in charge of triage. Like many soldiers, he saw many unimaginable horrors in the heat of war. And like many soldiers, he has suffered from the effects of PTSD ever since, including nightmares, anger, and inability to sleep.
That is, until a chance meeting about seven months ago that has turned this vet’s world around.
Sgt. Johnson met Dr. Gary Young, founder of Young Living Essential Oils, who told him about the possibilities of the remarkable plant-based oils. The first thing that came to his mind was the question, “Could they help with PTSD?”
Over the years, Johnson has tried to find relief for PTSD through all of the typical means, but the nightmares still continued. He still was unable to sleep for a full eight hours a night. He would typically wake up between 3 and 5 am, which was the time in Vietnam that young Johnson was on radio watch. During radio watch, a soldier had to be on high alert so that, if any situation arose, he could radio for support and wake up his men.
He was a driven man, re-enlisting for more combat duty, pushing himself to be in Special Forces, becoming a Green Beret, and helping other veterans here in the states when he was home, all in the hopes of finding relief for his PTSD symptoms. But none of that has been enough to pull him out of the PTSD or feel that he could live a normal life. But essential oils are making a difference, for the first time in his life.
At a packed Young Living Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, in late June, Sgt. Jess Johnson told his audience:
PTSD has only been recognized as a clinical diagnosis since 1980. The Mayo Clinic defines PTSD as “a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.”
Although it is typically associated with veterans of war, PTSD also affects survivors of rape and abuse, accident victims, people impacted by natural disasters, and, perhaps surprisingly, sometimes mothers after giving birth. PTSD can occur after someone has been exposed to a trauma where they felt that they, or someone close to them, were in danger of death or serious injury. Symptoms fall into the following categories, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:
- Re-experiencing of the event, through nightmares, intrusive thoughts, or flashbacks
- Avoidance of things or people that may remind of the event
- Negative alterations in cognition and mood, as in dissociative amnesia, survivor’s guilt, distorted blame of others or self, perception that the self is bad, or detachment
- Increased arousal symptoms – hyper-diligence, sleep disturbances, increased anger or irritability, exaggerated startle response
These symptoms may be present after any traumatic event, but if they last for more than a month, they may lead to a diagnosis of PTSD.
For Master Sgt. Jess Johnson, they have lasted for a lifetime. He tells The Inquisitr that, for many veterans, the symptoms only get worse over time. Time does NOT heal all wounds.
For the first time in 45 years, since Vietnam, he is able to sleep a full eight hours a night, without nightmares from PTSD. Johnson uses frankincense (boswellia carteri) and lavender oils to sleep. He reports that he applies Inner Child and Forgiveness oils to his spine to help him rest as well.
There are specific oils that he uses during the daytime for anxiety and to help him to focus and feel centered: Believe, Valor, Greatest Potential, and Frankincense. When he feels anger rising up, he puts the Young Living frankincense oil under his tongue, saying that it helps greatly. Idaho Blue Spruce is a relatively new oil that he uses every day. It is being studied by clinicians for its apparent ability to affect the emotional state, increasing oxytocin levels, and elevating the mood.
According to Sgt. Johnson, there are a couple of million cases of PTSD, and they are all experienced in a couple of million different ways. Each one is different. But there are specific needs that are common to all sufferers of PTSD that must be addressed in any protocol: sleep; changing from hate to something else, at least indifference; and daytime needs, for focus and anxiety.
He reports that his quality of life has greatly improved in all of these areas since meeting Gary Young and using the oils. He uses them “religiously.”
Recently, Johnson took a group of veterans to Idaho to meet Dr. Young, who has been working with vets for years, and have them try out the essential oils to see if they helped them as well. He reports that they did. The vets all reportedly slept well, without nightmares, for a full eight hours, some of them for the first time since combat. To Jess Johnson, this is huge news for vets.
Johnson recently appeared onstage with Dr. Gary Young as they introduced a new set of oils designed to support veterans and others who have symptoms of PTSD, the Freedom Sleep and the Freedom Release kits. He briefly shared his remarkable journey of recovery from PTSD with the audience.
Kathy Farmer shared her tragic story of losing her son to suicide from his military-related PTSD. She said that more than 22 military veterans commit suicide each day as a result of PTSD. She is now promoting Young Living essential oils as the kind of help she wished she had known about for her son.
When asked where he goes from here, Sgt. Johnson says that his goal is to take Dr. Young’s oils to veterans, then to their spouses and children, and then to police officers and firefighters. He wants distributors and others to talk to people and get this message out to veterans and sufferers of PTSD everywhere:
A website will be up soon where people will be able to ask questions of Master Sgt. Jess Johnson and others as well as share their testimonials of what is helping them with PTSD. Check back here for updates. Johnson also heads up a non-profit group, Vet to Vet, which takes Christmas meals and hats and coats to veterans.
Another veteran who is suffering from PTSD is Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the young Marine who is being held unjustly in a Mexican prison. Sgt. Johnson believes that the essential oils could help him, and calm him down, but holds little hope that anyone could get them to him in his current situation. He hopes that he can get them at some point in time.
Johnson told The Inquisitr that the whole situation is a “great shame.” Tahmooressi “shouldn’t have been there a day.” President Obama could have, and should have, demanded that he be freed. Yet instead, Johnson says that he is being used as “a political pawn.”
Though there will always be residual effects from the event that precipitated the PTSD, there is hope that Vietnam veteran Master Sgt. Jess Johnson wants to share. His experiences have defined him and shaped him into the man he is today, and finally, now, he feels that he is improving and living a normal life at last, thanks to “Gary’s oils.”
Monday, September 22, 2014
Sunday, September 21, 2014
DIY Hand Sanitizer
8 ounces aloe vera gel
2 tsp. witch hazel
4-5 drops tea tree EO
4-5 drops peppermint EO
8 ounces aloe vera gel
2 tsp. witch hazel
4-5 drops tea tree EO
4-5 drops peppermint EO
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Health Benefits of Oregano Essential Oil
Antibacterial: Just as it protects you against viral infections, oregano oil protects you against bacterial infections as well. This gives you an added level of protection against most bacterial diseases, such as infections in the colon and urinary tract, as well as typhoid, cholera, sores, skin infections and temporary problems like food poisoning. Also, the antibacterial effects of oregano don’t have an inhibitory affect on the healthy, necessary flora in your intestines and stomach, so you don’t suffer from the ill effects of being undefended!
The health benefits of Oregano Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, digestive, emenagogue and anti-allergenic substance.
The disinfectant and antibacterial properties of oregano essential oil were first recognized in ancient Greece where they were often used for treating bacterial infections on the skin or in wounds, and it was also employed to protect food from bacteria. It is a plant native to higher altitudes and normally grows in the mountains, which is how it got the name “Oregano”, which means “Delight of the Mountains”.
The Essential Oil of Oregano is extracted through steam distillation of fresh oregano leaves, which bear the scientific name Oreganum Vulgare. Its chief components are Carvacrol, Thymol, Cymene, Caryophyllene, Pinene, Bisabolene, Linalool, Borneol, Geranyl Acetate, Linalyl Acetate and Terpinene.
Along with being respected for its antimicrobial properties, this oil has many other medicinal properties as well. These properties are explained in detail below. It is traditionally used in one of three ways, either aromatically, which is the most popular since the advent of aromatherapy’s widespread use in recent decades. You can also apply it topically onto the skin, or through a carrier oil like coconut oil. Finally, you can ingest it in very small quantities as a dietary supplement, usually when diluted in honey or some other non-dairy beverage.
Health Benefits of Oregano Essential Oil
Respiratory Conditions: Oregano essential oil can act as an expectorant, which will loosen up or help eliminate the uncomfortable buildups of mucus and phlegm in the respiratory tracts and sinuses, but it is also a soothing balm for inflamed lungs and the throat, which often stimulate coughing fits. Therefore, oregano essential both prevents and treat symptoms of respiratory ailments.
Anti-inflammatory: This oil is good on soothing many types of inflammation, internal or external, caused by a variety of reasons. When this oil is applied topically, it can reduce redness and irritation to the applied area, and it can relieve topical pain that might be associated with arthritis or injury. When consumed, it has much the same effect, although it is spread throughout the body, so will not necessarily relieve pain and discomfort as quickly.

Antifungal: Viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa are the four agents which are responsible for communicable and infectious diseases. Out of these, fungi are responsible for some of the most dreaded and fatal infections, both internal and external. They can cause ugly, painful, and even deadly infections in the ear, nose and throat, which, if not treated early, may reach the brain and prove fatal.
Many skin infections are also caused by these fungi. Oregano Oil, if used regularly, either internally or externally, can effectively protect the body against many of these fungal infections.
Antiviral: Oregano essential oil provides protection against viral infections. This means that it strengthens your immunity against colds, mumps, measles, pox and other problems created by viruses.This boost to the immune system also helps to defend against deadly viral infections and even certain autoimmune disorders. Oregano essential oil stimulates the production and function of white blood cells, the body’s main line of defense.
Antiparasitic: Many types of parasites, such as round worms, tape worms, lice, bed bugs, mosquitoes, and fleas, can live inside or outside the human body. These parasites use the human body as a source of food, and as a vessel or carrier of communicable diseases. Oregano Essential Oil, when ingested, can eliminate intestinal worms, and when it is applied externally, it effectively keeps away lice, bed bugs, mosquitoes, and fleas, so it is not uncommon to find oregano essential oil as a component of organic bug sprays and repellents.
Antioxidant: This property turns out to be one of the most
celebrated attributes of oregano essential oil, because it protects you from
the damages done to the body by free radicals (oxidants), and it neutralizes
the free radicals, while repairing the damage already done. This slows down the
aging process and protects against certain cancers, macular degeneration,
degeneration of muscle due to aging, wrinkles, loss of vision and hearing,
nervous disorders and many such ailments related to premature aging and the
effects of free radicals. More specifically, oregano essential
oil contains phenols, a powerful form
of antioxidant that literally scours the body and eliminates those free
radicals that cause disease.
Emenagogue: This oil is also beneficial for regulating menstruation and delaying the onset of menopause. Those who are suffering from obstructed menses may also find relief from using oregano essential oil. As an emenagogue, a woman can reduce her symptoms of oncoming menopause, including mood balance and hormonal shifts because of the hormonal regulation quality of oregano essential oil.
Anti-allergenic: This is another side of the sedative and anti-inflammatory properties of Oregano Essential Oil. Allergies are hyper-reactions of the body towards external stimuli. Oregano Oil, being sedative in nature, calms down this hyper-sensitivity and is known to give relief from allergy symptoms. From its anti-inflammatory quality, the severity of an allergic reaction can be reduced, which is especially important for serious allergic reactions like anaphylactic shock, or swelling of the throat.
Digestive: Oregano essential oil promotes digestion by increasing the secretion of digestive juices, and it also increases nutrient digestibility and enzymes which aid in absorbing food. This can improve your general level of health by maximizing the nutrients you get from food!
Other Benefits
Oregano essential oil has been shown to help heal Psoriasis, Eczema, Athlete’s foot, flu and other infectious ailments. Furthermore, it can be used to treat bacterial infections like E. Coli, Giardiasis and food poisoning. It relieves congestion, and certain studies reveal that it is as powerful a painkiller as the most respected options on the market, with the added benefit that it works without the strong side effects.
A Few Words of Caution
Oregano essential oil can cause irritation of the skin and mucus membrane if taken in high concentrations or dosages. Pregnant women should avoid using it, and it is a good idea to consult with your doctor before adding it in any significant way to your diet. Due to its general stimulation and regulation of the hormones, it can potentially result in a miscarriage if the hormone to induce periods is stimulated. Also, like with any new dietary supplement or food, check with your doctor about allergies. People that are allergic to basil, lavender, marjoram, mint, or sage are also commonly allergic to oregano and its essential oil.
Blending: The Essential Oil of Oregano blends well with the essential oils of Lavender, Rosemary, Bergamot, Chamomile, Cypress, Cedar Wood, Tea Tree and Eucalyptus. These combinations are often made and widely used by aromatherapists and herbalists.
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